We are in the process of designing a new format for learning philosophy online.

The course is aimed people who are completely new to philosophy, or who may have read a few books or taken some classes on the subject, but who want to do something more in-depth.

The course will center around a weekly discussion group on Plato’s Apology. In this dialogue, Socrates explains his approach to philosophy, and defends himself against charges of corrupting the youth and disrespecting the gods. 

Every week you will read some of the Apology. There will be some short audio recordings and exercises to help guide your reading and help you develop your philosophical reading skills.

On Sunday, you will spend an hour discussing what you have read with a small group of people from around the world.

We will be running a 4-week trial of this format later this year, to test it out and find out what you think. 

This is a course for highly motivated students who can commit to devoting around 1-2 hours per week reading philosophy and preparing for the discussions. The quality of the discussions depends on having the right people in the group: prior experience in philosophy is not important, but a great attitude is. As such, admission is selective. If you want to take part, please fill in the application form below.

Discussion Group Times: July 17, 24, 31, and August 7, 2022

Group A: 9am (New York), 2pm (London), 10pm (Tokyo). Places available: 2

Group B: 8pm (New York), 10am (Sydney), 12pm (Auckland), 9am (Tokyo). Places available: 6

Price: Your Feedback

Sign Up to be Part of the Trial